After the Holcoust we said never again.......then came Rwanda.....after that we said never again....and now here we are with Darfur once again doing nothing for these people. The lack of responsibitly by the UN and the whole political world in general is amazing. When a whole race is being killed just because of their ethnicity and no one wants to help, it just shows how we haven't evolved at all. The word "Ethnic cleansing" has been created which is suppose to be diffrent from a genoicide? People are using words that are close to Genoicide just so that they don't have to do anyhting about it. When massive amounts of people are being slaughtered, and chased away from there own country due to their ethnicity that is called GENOCIDE. Not only are people being killed but women are being raped. Darfur is going through the worst situation possible, kids are seeing death before their eyes and the worst part about it is their use to it. People experince rape and murder and pure savage behaviour just because of their ethnicty being seen as a sin. The UN and the whole world clearly see this as a Genocide but refuse to help because of the amount of money and and resources it would take. Even though the Sudan Government is making it harder for the UN and other Countries to help, there has to be some sort of loop hole if they really wanted to help. The Human Population and our rights are the responsibilty of every human being on this earth. If there is a group of people who are expericing a Genocide they shoud be helped with no explinations asked. Genoicide is a big word but it is clear that is it occuring in Darfur. Many groups have been trying to raise awarness of Darfur but there was a particular thing that really caught my attention. There is a game that is on the web that is about the Darfur people, yes it is a game and yeah it might help a bit but really? The only people who would play that game would be little kids, and I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't understand what the game stands for. If I was someone from Darfur and I found out that a game is being used to show the pain and seriousness of this Genocide I would be outraged. The saddest part about the Darfur Genocide is that it's probley not the only one occuring and like Darfur was left in the shadows so are all the others.