Thursday and friday i watched a movie that scared me for the first time. Shake hands with the devil reallly shook me up to the point where i teared up. I know things like this go on, but its one thing to watch it and know that no one wanted to help. This movie showed me how selfish the world is, and how easily people can be infulenced into violence, but its hard to get them to follow in acts of kindness. There was a part...that really got to me that i reallly couldnt handle, i think it was the most emotional part of the movie. When the general was walking on the bridge and he stoppped knelt down and started taking it apart. When i found out that bridge was being supported by dead bodies, that was my breaking point. I felt so angry more angry at the fact that stuff like this is still going on. History hasn't taught a majourity of us anything, and that most of us still live in the past. After the horrible movie that showed us reality for what it really is made a difference in my life.After watching a movie like that anyone would want to do something about it. I even thought about becoming a UN worker, but it know i wouldnt be able to do it. I wouldnt be able to stand there and watch people die, and get cut up infront of my face, and not be able to help because my superiors said im not allowed. I understand that the world runs on allainces and through that, thats how we can survive, but the fact that the world has the mentallity of " we wont help unless we get anything out of it" is just a pile of bull. It's like all the acts of kindess we have been taught since we were small mean nothing once we grow up, that no one really acts on those lessons of kindness , only a small portion of us. What really shocked me most in the movie is when france was deporting the rich people of rwanada when they were the ones that supported this genocide by providing weapons. All in all this movie might be bias but it really showed me a knew perspective of the world. Hopefully one day the worlds mentalitly will be " we need to help these people no matter what it takes, because who else will save them?"